Literary classics in multimodal constellations. Analysis of proposals for pre-service teachers
Classical Literature; Multimodal Reading; Transmedia Narratives; Literary EducationAbstract
The Literary Constellations could be considered a format to organize a series of readings with a common thematic element, through the graphic representation of several linked stars or points. (Jover, 2009, Garvis, 2015). This format can be applied to many educational levels in order to show different contents and it can also be considered appropriate for the development of Literary Education. From the University of XXX (Autoría1 2016), we considered relevant to expand its possibilities to relate them to the Transmedia Narrative concept, and thereby allow the inclusion of any type of multimodal text. In the present paper we have carried out a study regarding the presence of the Classical Literature in a series of Literary and Multimodal Constellations created in four different educational contexts. We shall analyze Constellations of the students from the Degree on Primary Education, from the Master of Educational Research and Teaching Training of the University of XXX and from the Master of Teaching Training of the XXX. The objective of this study is to identify the relevance of the Classical Literary works in the reading training of the different participants of the research.
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