Task-based approach and gamification applied to Literature: crime fiction and cultural mapping
literature; gamification; literary mapping; ELE; cultural competence.Abstract
This paper explores the possibilities of the literary text as an effective instrument to increase communicative and cultural competence through a proposal of a didactic unit which was built on two didactic perspectives: a task-based approach and gamification proceedings. The target group would be composed of Spanish as a Foreign Language (SFL) students, who belong to the B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (2001).
This didactic unit is based on the crime fiction entitled La playa de los ahogados (2009), which was written by Domingo Villar originally in Galician language (A praia dos afogados). Later on, in 2015 it was adapted to the cinema. This fact allows us to introduce the transmedia dimension (text and audiovisual) into the project narrative. Along this paper geographical aspects of literature will be unveiled, all of which would result in an effective instrument to deepen into the diversity of the Hispanic culture.
The suspense elements (reached out through different resources such as the creation of real scenarios -Vigo and its surroundings-, a crime, a detective and some suspects), encourage reading through exploratory tasks, whose final aim is to stimulate student´s imagination and creative writing abilities.
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