The classical texts in the formation of the literary reader. Options and possibilities for a current reader
literary reader; teaching reading; reading the classics; literary reading;Abstract
The formation of the literary reader has become in recent decades a backbone of the processes of reading formation in the mandatory and post-compulsory stages. Colomer (1998), Mendoza (2004), Ballester (2007, 2015), Cerrillo (2016), and others have insisted on the need to address, from renewed positions, the approach to the classics as a necessary tool in the literary reader's formation.
We intend to establish some of the elements that could determine new options for reading the classics at the present time, attending, as a priority, to the requirements of the 21st century reader. The use of electronic tools opens enriched reading options from the multimodal options that we can incorporate in the processes of approach to this type of texts and in this way to the formation of the literary reader that allows a pragmatic and effective reading of the classic authors.
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