formación profesorado; TIC; videolito; formación poética; infografía.Abstract
Expopoètica, a digital exhibition created by students of the 4th Year of Secondary Education in Institut Premià de Mar, focuses on classical Catalan poets of the 20th century. It is an innovative experience that combines students’ literary background with a meaningful use of ICT, which is embedded in the final creation of a multimodal text: a digital infographic.
Ballester & Ibarra (2016) defend an eclectic approach when teaching literary skills before students can become competent readers. In our case, two factors are considered fundamental to achieve our objective: a contextualization of the classical texts and its interpretative and experiential reading.
Based on a learning sequence designed to acquire receptive training of poetic texts (Ambròs & Ramos, 2007 and 2008), the initial project is complemented with a much more detailed exploration of the author's context, which leads to a dialogue between author and reader in the final product: a digital infographic that will be part of the collective exhibition on classical Catalan poets.
We conclude our experience by discussing the possibility of carrying out this type of projects in Secondary Education always according to the existing professional profiles.
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Tejuelo is published with license Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 España.