Conocimiento de la morfología, conciencia morfológica y aprendizaje léxico. Objetivos “difusos” en la Enseñanza Secundaria / Knowledge of morphology, morphological awareness and lexical learning. “Difussed” objectives in Secondary Education




Morfología; conciencia morfológica; léxico; didáctica; enseñanza secundaria.


This paper is a critical study of the state of the didactics of morphology raised from the mismatch between the antigramaticalist didactic theory, -promulgated for decades and currently defended without consolidated fruits-, the educational curriculum in Secondary Education and the proposals developed in textbooks. It is defended the need for experimental research to assess the impact of knowledge of morphology on the development of morphological awareness in teenagers and to measure its effect on lexical enrichment. It is proposed a morphology didactic model that is based on the unitary theories of lexical processing (connectionism and associative models) and it is supported by the contributions of psycholinguistic research on the development of morphological awareness in ELE and in children with disorders of the language. The sequential phases in the development of morphological awareness, as well as the lexical activation models regulated by the types of formal and semantic connections and by the frequency factor, define the didactic levels of the model. This proposal should be made up of classroom practices that validate the inductive teaching of morphology aimed at developing lexical competence.


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How to Cite

Conocimiento de la morfología, conciencia morfológica y aprendizaje léxico. Objetivos “difusos” en la Enseñanza Secundaria / Knowledge of morphology, morphological awareness and lexical learning. “Difussed” objectives in Secondary Education. (2021). TEJUELO. Didactics of Language and Literature. Education, 35(1), 107-136.