Perspectiva docente sobre el aprendizaje de inglés con herramientas digitales: implicaciones emocionales y actitudinales / Teaching perspective on English learning with digital tools: emotional and attitudinal implications




digital tools, educational technology, English as a foreign language, attitude


When teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) choose a digital tool to use in their classroom, their choice will be motivated by different aspects, among which we find the possible effects that the tool can have on their students at an emotional and attitudinal level. This research paper investigates the main digital tools used by EFL teachers in Spain, analysing the attitudinal and emotional effects they present for students from the point of view of the teachers who decide to use them. To collect data, a questionnaire was validated and distributed among 110 Spanish Secondary Education EFL teachers using snowball sampling. Results are summarized in two main tables, in which any teacher will be able to find all the positive and negative emotional and attitudinal effects associated with each tool. Of all the tools analysed, Flipgrid stands out as the most valued one, highlighting its usefulness in developing autonomy, self-regulation, self-confidence, creativity and communication.


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How to Cite

Perspectiva docente sobre el aprendizaje de inglés con herramientas digitales: implicaciones emocionales y actitudinales / Teaching perspective on English learning with digital tools: emotional and attitudinal implications. (2023). TEJUELO. Didactics of Language and Literature. Education, 38, 13-42.