Affective literature, effective literacy: a case of “affect turn” among preservice teachers in Spain / Literatura afectiva, alfabetización efectiva: un caso de “affect turn” entre futuro profesorado en España




didáctica de las emociones; educación emocional; didáctica de la literatura; educación primaria; alfabetización multimodal.


Abstract: La educación emocional constituye un área cada vez más destacada por la legislación; sin embargo, la didáctica de las emociones no parece encontrar el lugar que le corresponde en el currículum formativo del futuro profesorado. Esta carencia es especialmente notable en el contexto de la didáctica de la lengua y la literatura, a pesar de que en este campo el papel de las emociones se reconoce como crucial desde hace décadas, al menos a nivel teórico. Este estudio propone una intervención replicable y funcional a la didáctica de las emociones como resorte para la alfabetización afectiva y efectiva en el currículo del futuro profesorado de educación primaria. Se analizan las herramientas pedagógicas utilizadas y se estudia el alcance de su aplicación en un grupo de 66 estudiantes del Grado en Educación Primaria de la Universidad de Sevilla, examinando su impacto a través de una triangulación de datos (cuestionario ad-hoc y evaluación de los diarios de aprendizaje de los alumnos). Los resultados muestran que la intervención facilitó la vinculación entre las perspectivas afectiva y cognitiva y creó la necesidad de reivindicar un nuevo tipo de alfabetización multimodal, artística y colaborativa en la enseñanza-aprendizaje de las L1, como instrumento de conocimiento y autoconocimiento.


Emotional education is an area increasingly highlighted by legislation; nevertheless, the teaching of emotions does not seem to find its rightful place in the curriculum for preservice teachers. This lack is particularly noticeable in the context of the teaching of language and literature, despite the fact that in this field the role of emotions has been recognised as crucial for decades, at least on a theoretical level. This study proposes a replicable and functional intervention in the teaching of emotions as a springboard for affective and effective literacy in preservice primary school teachers’ curriculum. The pedagogical tools used are analysed and the scope of their application is studied in a group of 66 students of the BAin Primary Education at the University of Seville, examining their impact through a triangulation of data (ad-hoc questionnaire and an evaluation of students’ learning diaries). The results showed that the intervention facilitated the link between affective and cognitive perspectives and created the need to claim a new type of multimodal, artistic, and collaborative literacy in the teaching and learning of L1, as an instrument of knowledge and self-knowledge. Emotional education is an area increasingly highlighted by legislation; nevertheless, the teaching of emotions does not seem to find its rightful place in the curriculum for preservice teachers. This lack is particularly noticeable in the context of the teaching of language and literature, despite the fact that in this field the role of emotions has been recognised as crucial for decades, at least on a theoretical level. This study proposes a replicable and functional intervention in the teaching of emotions as a springboard for affective and effective literacy in preservice primary school teachers’ curriculum. The pedagogical tools used are analysed and the scope of their application is studied in a group of 66 students of the BAin Primary Education at the University of Seville, examining their impact through a triangulation of data (ad-hoc questionnaire and an evaluation of students’ learning diaries). The results showed that the intervention facilitated the link between affective and cognitive perspectives and created the need to claim a new type of multimodal, artistic, and collaborative literacy in the teaching and learning of L1, as an instrument of knowledge and self-knowledge.

Keywords: didactics of emotions; emotional education; didactics of literature; primary education; multimodal literacy.


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How to Cite

Affective literature, effective literacy: a case of “affect turn” among preservice teachers in Spain / Literatura afectiva, alfabetización efectiva: un caso de “affect turn” entre futuro profesorado en España. (2023). TEJUELO. Didactics of Language and Literature. Education, 38, 101-130.