Sanded memories: memory of the Spanish Civil War in 21st century children's and young people's literature.




In this paper we propose a dual research: on the one hand, to offer a panoramic view of how the memory of the Spanish Civil War is transmitted in children's and young people's literature of our times, paying special attention to the technical narrative structure and the chronotope. On the other hand, the aim is to investigate the position of the children's/youth characters in these texts and the position of the authors with respect to the events of the war.

As a methodological procedure, we will outline a brief note on what we academically understand by 'memory' as far as literature is concerned, and we will carry out a critical analysis of fifteen Spanish publications aimed at young audiences, all of them of narrative genre and marketed from the year 2000 onwards. In conclusion, we will synthesise the data and generate a bi-member vector that will show us both the technical way in which history is being told and its 'memory' transmitted in 21st century of children and young people literature (CYPL), as well as the tendency and majority position of current authors.


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How to Cite

Sanded memories: memory of the Spanish Civil War in 21st century children’s and young people’s literature. (2024). TEJUELO. Didactics of Language and Literature. Education, 39, 197-219.