Inmenso estrecho: Obstacles to Achieving Post-inmigration Identity Change in Spanish Short Fiction. Ryan Prout.
Palabras clave:
Inmenso estrecho, Immigration, Psycho-geography, Assimilation, Submerged economy, Psychological therapy.Resumen
This article reads a selection of short stories from the Inmenso estrecho collection alongside work by psychologists of immigration. Salman Akhtar has systematised the adjustment process which a migrant must go through if he or she is to feel well adapted to his or her new culture and society. This process depends on a number of support factors being in place. Where these are not available the process of adaptation can be stymied and the article connects the difficulties of the fictional immigrants in the stories with the poor adaptations studied by Akhtar in his clinical work.
Akhtar, Salman. Immigration and Identity: Turmoil, Treatment, and Transformation, London, Jason Aronson, 1999.
Amati-Mehler, Jacqueline; Simona Argentieri, and Canestri, Jorge. The Babel of the Unconscious: Mother Tongue and Foreign Languages in the Psychoanalytic Dimension, Madison, International Universities Press, 1993.
Copelman, D. “The immigrant experience: margin notes”, Mind and human interaction, IV, 1993, págs. 76-82.
Fernández Fermoselle, Ángel, et al. Inmenso estrecho, Madrid, Kailas, 2005.
Oliver Alonso, J. España 2020: un mestizaje ineludible, Barcelona, Institut d‟estudis autonomics, 2006.
Shriver, Lionel. “No place like home”, Financial Times, 13 de mayo, 2006, pág. 25.
Wolf, E. “Self object experiences: development, psychopathology, treatment”, en Mahler and Kohut, Perspectives on Development, Psychopathology and Treatment, ed. S. Kramer y S. Akhtar, Northvale NJ, Jason Aronson, 1994, págs. 75-96.
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