Razones de la renuencia a hablar en la clase de ELE en Asia oriental. Análisis cualitativo y comparación entre estudiantes taiwaneses y coreanos / Reasons for reticence in the SFL classroom in East Asia. Qualitative analysis and comparison between Taiwane





Reticence; reasons; SFL; Taiwan; South Korea.


The reluctance to speak in foreign languages ​​classrooms is a debilitating, complex, and multidimensional phenomenon, widely observed in East Asia, that minimizes the possibilities of interaction hindering the development of an adequate communicative competence. In this article we offer the results obtained in a qualitative research on the causes of reticence carried out with undergraduate and graduate Taiwanese students of Spanish Language and Literature. The research was based on semi-structured interviews, discussion groups and annotations made by the teacher in a daily work notebook. The data collected was analyzed and coded into a series of categories and subcategories. The results of this research were compared with the reticence reasons to speak Spanish identified in a similar work done a few years earlier in South Korea.


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How to Cite

Razones de la renuencia a hablar en la clase de ELE en Asia oriental. Análisis cualitativo y comparación entre estudiantes taiwaneses y coreanos / Reasons for reticence in the SFL classroom in East Asia. Qualitative analysis and comparison between Taiwane. (2021). TEJUELO. Didactics of Language and Literature. Education, 33, 39-74. https://doi.org/10.17398/1988-8430.33.39